I designed a rough layout of what I envision the site to look like:

Home Page



When the image is rolled over the chosen side will light up:





Note Programming will be a similar layout

I plan to keep about and contact quite simple. I want to keep the website quite minimalist as I want the users focus to go to the featured designs.

Group Project

We have formed our groups for the major project and are hoping to hit the ground running. I am working with:

  • James Heffernan
  • Emma Flanagan
  • Susan McShane 
  • Daryl McMahon

We have a similar work ethic and are all aiming to create something different. We have been looking into commuters as our target audience and a way to make it fun. We have had many ideas on how to do this that our main objective is to narrow down our idea. We have been sharing ideas on our group board on Pintrest and have created our group blog. We are currently working under the name Scio and have developed a rough logo for the time being.


We have discussed roles and have identified each persons strengths but have still to confirm everyone’s exact role. We envision the project to be very programming intensive and with three competent programmers in the group we plan to split thee workload between us in some way so as not to put the pressure on one person. We have created a group on Facebook as a way to keep in contact and plan to set up a drive folder to share work. Overall things are going quite well so far. Everyone is willing to work and excited to see what we create. 

Portfolio update

So to be honest the portfolio has taken a back seat with everything else that has been due lately however I have been working on the design for the main part of the home page on and off. I would still like it to be a bit more design heavy but I am happy with how it is turning out so far. There are a few errors in the design that also need to address and that is my next step.



I had been planning to create this in Flash purely because it is the software I have available to me during reading week however as this wont be suitable for all devices I am now planning on downloading a trial of Dreamweaver. I still feel that web development is my weakest area and one I definitely need to improve on. I have been looking at tutorials on Code Academy and books regarding HTML 5  and I hope to be able to create the website I have envisioned.


I have been researching three areas:

  • Light Art 
  • Alternate Reality
  • Augmented Reality

After speaking to Emma, Matt and Kieran last week they suggested a few things for me to look into. I started by looking at WWF Underwater Ambient which shows what the predicted Sea Level will be by 2028.

I also looked at some work on (United Visual Artists). I particularly liked their works that combined both light and sound. After this I looked into Citizen M Hotels and found it interesting how the colour of the room depends on the purpose of your stay.

This led me on to Dancing Fountains. I particularly liked the Grand Opening of the Pagadian Plaza.

This led onto looking into light art shows at the Olympic Games and then to installations that aim at more than one of the senses. I like the idea of combining smell into the project as I think certain smells can evoke an emotion because of a nostalgic link. 

I had considered creating an installation that is aesthetically pleasing but mainly focuses on audio, scents and touch (maybe include brail) for a blind audience. 

I had also considered creating an installation of a forest that does not necessarily evoke an emotion but is controlled by that of the user or via twitter feedback for example if the general mood on twitter is happy the forest is calm and relaxed however if the general mood is angry the forest is stormy and dark.

I looked into augmented reality and found some amazing videos and think that when combined with alternate reality could make an extremely immersive experience, however I think the fact that this would have to be exhibited could cause problems when creating an alternate reality game. 

I like the idea however of the user not being confined to one space. I have also been looking at cyphers (as suggested by James Heffernan) and I think if you were creating an alternate reality game or even a murder mystery these would be an excellent addition although I think the restrictions of the exhibition would again cause a problem.

I am going to look at the psychology of design next and how audio can evoke an emotion.